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Research Concepts and Methods CAS

Get fully equipped to gather scientific evidence that can inform policy makers about how to tackle the Corona crisis or any other health crisis and external migration, brain drain and related issues.

The massive impact of the ongoing Corona crisis underlines the importance of Global Health. There is an urgent need to develop evidence based policies that protect the health economical and social situations of even the most vulnerable populations. It is particularly important to understand how the Global North and the Global South differ in terms of health perspectives that significantly impact their health governance and the nature of international agreements and cooperation.

Participants learn how to measure and analyse health disease risk factors economic issues health services and social phenomenon. We train professionals in epidemiology statistics qualitative research methods and teach them the key concepts of Global Urban health health governance and health systems.

This CAS also includes an exciting excursion to Geneva where we visit leading international health organisations like the World Health Organisation (WHO) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). All courses are in English. (This CAS is part of the MSc Global Urban Health program.)

Siegel Zertifizierung 24-32


Auf einen Blick

Fach Global Health | Global Urban Health | Medizin | Public Health
Wissenschaftliche Leitung Prof. Dr. Axel Kroeger
Veranstaltungsart Berufsbegleitendes Kontaktstudium
Veranstalter Faculty of Medicine /Center for Medicine and Society 

Health professionals, social scientists, researchers, and, policy makers involved in health policy development and health intervention, planning.

Voraussetzungen Bachelor Degree; proficiency in reading and speaking English; at least one year of professional experience
Format Seminar
Abschluss Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) (Certified 2024)
Kreditpunkte 16 CP



University of Freiburg
MSc Global Urban Health
Bismarckallee 22, Third Floor, 79098 Freiburg

Phone: +49 (0) 761/203-69269


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