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Solar Energy and Global Needs CAS

This Certificate provides practical as well as theoretical insights to fundamental knowledge about solar energy and its two significant applications: photovoltaics and thermal energy. As well as comprehensive knowledge about global energy needs in the future.


Learning goals:

  • Gain insight about the principle of photovoltaics and solar thermal
  • Achieve a qualitative and global understanding of today and tomorrow’s energy needs.


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Auf einen Blick

Fach Electrical Engineering, Photovoltaics, Physics
Wissenschaftliche Leitung

Prof. Dr. Anke Weidlich

Veranstaltungsart Online
Veranstalter INATECH Department of Sustainable Systems Engineering in scientific cooperation with Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE

This Certificate is an ideal choice for you if you are a working professional with:

  • Experience in the energy sector
  • Solid background in electrical engineering
  • Ability for time management, working independently and self-discipline
  • Familiarity with engineering, and mathematical ways of thinking
  • Ability to think critically and to adapt knowledge to your disciplinary and cultural context and background
  • bility for self-critical analysis and willingness to receive and consider constructive feedback
Abschluss Accredited Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)
Kreditpunkte 11 ECTS


Kontakt und Anmeldung

Universität Freiburg
INATECH Department of Sustainable Systems Engineering
Solar Energy Engineering - Continuing Education

Georges-Koehler-Allee 106, 79110 Freiburg 

Khadija Khaled
Program Coordinator

Tel: 0761/203-7213
