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Carbon Forestry

With respect to climate change mitigation, the sequestration of carbon by forests and soils is one of the most important ecosystem services of terrestrial ecosystems. Therefore, large efforts have been undertaken and major political initiatives started to increase the carbon storage capacity of forests and their products. Dt.: Im Hinblick auf die Eindämmung des Klimawandels ist die Bindung von Kohlenstoff durch Wälder und Böden eine der wichtigsten Ökosystemleistungen terrestrischer Ökosysteme. Daher wurden große Anstrengungen unternommen und wichtige politische Initiativen gestartet, um die Kohlenstoffspeicherkapazität der Wälder und ihrer Produkte zu erhöhen.

Competencies and human resources to develop projects for land-use based mitigation and knowledge of related climate policy instruments at local, national and international levels are critically needed for successful projects and policies to increase the carbon stocks in forests and forest-related landscapes. In this course participants will learn to develop and evaluate such greenhouse mitigation initiatives.

The module will provide an introduction to:

  • Recent developments in international climate change policy
  • Compliance and voluntary carbon markets
  • Carbon monitoring in CDM (clean development mechanism) forestry plantations from afforestation and reforestation
  • Safeguards in REDD+ (reduced emissions from deforestation and forest degradation) activities
  • Development, analysis and evaluation of carbon project design documents
  • Rules and procedures for certification of such projects


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Auf einen Blick

Field of Study Faculty of Environment and Natural Ressources, Forest Sciences | Forst/Umwelt/Geo | Wirtschaft
Scientific Directors Dr. Joachim Schmerbeck, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Bauhus, Prof. Benno Pokorny, PD Dr. Till Pistorius, Benjamin Schwarz, Moriz Vohrer
Type Weiterbildungskurs / Continuing Education Course
Organisation Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources, Chair of Silviculture in cooperation with UNIQUE Forestry and other Land Use and Forestry Consultants
Target Group Forestry and land use consultants and project developers, forestry professionals, graduates of forestry and land use programmes.
Requests University degree or minimum five years work experience in forestry and landuse sector
Format Online format due to pandemic situation. An intensive 1-week online option for advanced participants may become available.  
Certification Qualified Participation Certificate in Carbon Forestry
Credit Points 5 CP nach ECTS
Units 125 Learning Units of 45 minutes


Kontakt und Anmeldung

Universität Freiburg
Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources
Chair of Silviculture

Tennenbacherstr. 4, 79106 Freiburg

Dr. Joachim Schmerbeck, Coordinator Carbon Forestry

Tel: 0761/203-3678