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Medizinethik CAS
Die Weiterbildung Medizinethik bietet umfassendes Orientierungswissen sowie Lösungsstrategien für die medizinethischen Herausforderungen des beruflichen Alltags.
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Migration, Violence and Mental Health among Urban Poor CAS
Are you qualified to deal with the specific health challenges of people living in urban areas, particularly of the poor, disadvantaged, and disintegrated population groups in lower and middle income countries? How would you deal with the refugee crisis in the Middle East and Europe, the large number of displaced populations in latin Amerika and Asia, internal and external migration, brain drain and related issues?
Existiert in Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung | Bildungstransfer / Weiterbildungsangebote / Laufende Angebote
Musikermedizin CAS
Dieses Kontaktstudium beinhaltet die Diagnostik und Behandlung von „Musicians‘ Diseases“ und richtet sich an Fachleute, die medizinisch oder psychotherapeutisch mit Musiker*innen arbeiten (wollen).
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Neuromuskuläre Funktion - Bewegungsanalyse und Training CAS
Das berufsbegleitende Zertifikatsstudium „Neuromuskuläre Funktion – Bewegungsanalyse und Training“ bietet Berufstätigen aus den Arbeitsfeldern der Gesundheitsförderung, Prävention und Rehabilitation die Möglichkeit einer wissenschaftlichen Vertiefung bzw. Erweiterung ihrer beruflichen Kompetenzen im Bereich Neuromechanik und in Bezug auf evidenzbasierte Trainingsmethoden.
Existiert in Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung | Bildungstransfer / Weiterbildungsangebote / Laufende Angebote
Photovoltaic Power Plants CAS
Photovoltaic Power Plants is designed for students who want to gain expertise on photovoltaic power plant projects, it covers all the topics related to photovoltaic power plants ranging from project development to operation and maintenance. Students are required to design their own large PV plant of at least 30 MW, starting from technical and economic feasibility in course one, moving to the engineering, design, simulation and commissioning of the project in course two, and finally designing the monitoring system and creating the operation and maintenance plan in course three.
Existiert in Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung | Bildungstransfer / Weiterbildungsangebote / Laufende Angebote
Research Concepts and Methods CAS
Get fully equipped to gather scientific evidence that can inform policy makers about how to tackle the Corona crisis or any other health crisis and external migration, brain drain and related issues.
Existiert in Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung | Bildungstransfer / Weiterbildungsangebote / Laufende Angebote
Solar Cells and Photovoltaic Systems CAS
This Certificate provides a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental physical processes of solar cells, as well as the design and function of photovoltaic systems.
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Solar Energy and Global Needs CAS
This Certificate provides practical as well as theoretical insights to fundamental knowledge about solar energy and its two significant applications: photovoltaics and thermal energy. As well as comprehensive knowledge about global energy needs in the future.
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Solar Energy Integration into the Power Grid CAS
This certificate provides a comprehensive understanding of complex interactions between photovoltaic systems and the power grid. This certificate program's components focus on control aspects of PV systems and integration of a massive amount of PV energy into the electricity grid.
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Solar Thermal Energy Technology CAS
This Certificate provides a comprehensive overview on solar thermal systems and their main components.
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