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Solar Energy Integration into the Power Grid CAS

This certificate provides a comprehensive understanding of complex interactions between photovoltaic systems and the power grid. This certificate program's components focus on control aspects of PV systems and integration of a massive amount of PV energy into the electricity grid.


Learning goals:

  • Gain comprehensive knowledge about the complex interactions between renewable energy and the power grid
  • Learn about the control aspects of grid systems and the integration of a massive amount of photovoltaic energy in the electricity grid

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Auf einen Blick

Fach Electrical Engineering, Photovoltaics
Wissenschaftliche Leitung Prof. Dr. Anke Weidlich
Format Fully online
Veranstalter INATECH Department of Sustainable Systems Engineering in cooperation with Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE

working professional with:

  • Existing knowledge of the energy sector
  • A solid background in electrical engineering
  • English proficiency
  • An existing knowledge in electrical engineering and a fundamental understanding of photovoltaic systems.
  • English language proficiency
Abschluss Accredited Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)
Kreditpunkte 15 ECTS


Kontakt und Anmeldung

Universität Freiburg
INATECH Department of Sustainable Systems Engineering
Solar Energy Engineering - Continuing Education

Georges-Koehler-Allee 106, 79110 Freiburg

Khadija Khaled
Program Coordinator

Tel: 0761/203-7213
