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Environmental Management and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases in Urban Areas CAS

Interdisciplinary approach to a significant subject matter of global urban health with inputs from several faculties of the Freiburg University and external lecturers.
The five-week CAS Program is designed for professionals that wish to develop strategies to improve health conditions and health of populations living in urban areas. The focus is on environmental factors of “city life” and particularly on vulnerable population groups. Interaction with teaching staff and scientists of the University of Freiburg, as well as with practitioners and experts from external organizations:
  • City council Freiburg
  • waste disposal plant, water plant, renewable energy providers
  • WHO and UNEP
Participants will gain expertise from different disciplines such as public health, environmental medicine, sport sciences, geography, and anthropology.


Assessment and measurement of environmental risk factors and health impact: air and water pollution, noise exposure, heat (in relation to climate change), environmental modifications within urban development and local legislations, building plans as a threat or as a positive determinant to health. Illustration of the impact of unhealthy environments and unhealthy behaviour (eating, physical inactivity) on health. Analysises of model solutions from healthy city programmes and identification of possible mitigation and solution strategies.

Participants will discover topic areas in relation to urban health needs in order to gain the following competences:

  • develop analytical and management skills to meet the challenges of urban health;
  • identify and quantify threats to health and risk factors in urban areas
  • develop knowledge and skills in the field of prevention, control, programme development, monitoring and evaluation for improving urban health;
  • make proactive evidence-based decisions according to the professional background;
  • enhance independent and reflective thinking and profound interest for lifelong learning.



Auf einen Blick

Fach Anthropology | Cross-disciplinary approach with inputs from Biomedicine | Environmental Sciences | Geography | Management | Medicine | Public Health
Wissenschaftliche Leitung Dr. rer. nat. Richard Gminski, Prof. Dr. Sabine Dabringhaus,; experts from WHO (World Health Organization), Geneva
Veranstaltungsart Berufsbegleitendes Kontaktstudium
Veranstalter Faculty of Humanities; Center for Medicine and Society, University of Freiburg
Zielgruppe Health professionals and medical doctors, researchers, health policy makers and social scientists involved in city planning, health policy development and public health interventions. The course addresses target groups especially of low and middle income countries and professionals planning to work in these countries.
Voraussetzungen Proficiency in reading and speaking English; at least one year of professional experience
Format Full time attendance from Monday to Friday at the University of Freiburg, two sub-modules (two weeks each) followed by a week for assessment. All courses are given in English. Upon successful completion of the program a University Certificate can be obtained.
Abschluss CAS

10 CP if you write a paper (Hausarbeit)

This course is part of the MSc Program on “Global Urban Health”, which may be entered upon completion of the module:


Dr. Sonia Diaz-Monsalve
Phone: +49 (0) 761/203-69269

University of Freiburg
Bismarckallee 22, Third Floor
79098 Freiburg

Registration (via suedwissen):