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Photovoltaic Power Plants CAS

Photovoltaic Power Plants is designed for students who want to gain expertise on photovoltaic power plant projects, it covers all the topics related to photovoltaic power plants ranging from project development to operation and maintenance. Students are required to design their own large PV plant of at least 30 MW, starting from technical and economic feasibility in course one, moving to the engineering, design, simulation and commissioning of the project in course two, and finally designing the monitoring system and creating the operation and maintenance plan in course three.


Learning Goals

  • Conduct thorough solar resource assessments to determine the energy potential of a site. Perform site analysis and environmental impact assessments to evaluate the suitability of a location for a PV power plant.
  • Conduct project feasibility studies, considering technical, financial, & regulatory aspects. Understand key factors influencing the feasibility of a PV power plant, such as solar resource, site characteristics, grid connection requirements & environmental impact.
  • Evaluate the financial viability of a project through financial analysis, including indicators such as return on investment (ROI) and levelized cost of electricity (LCOE).
  • Develop skills in electrical design and equipment selection for efficient solar energy systems.
  • Learn techniques for the optimization and simulation of solar energy power plants.
  • Execute failure analysis and report the failure.
  • Build a maintenance strategy considering the guidelines, resources and characteristics of the system.
  • Analyze and interpret data collected from a system in order to extract useful information for the O&M management.


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Auf einen Blick

Fach Electrical Engineering | Photovoltaics | Physics
Wissenschaftliche Leitung Prof. Dr. Stefan Glunz
Veranstaltungsart Online
Veranstalter INATECH Department of Sustainable Systems Engineering in scientific cooperation with Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE

This Certificate is an ideal choice for you if you are a working professional with:

  • Existing knowledge of the energy sector
  • Professional experience in the photovoltaic industry
  • Ability for time management, working independently and self-discipline
  • Familiarity with engineering, and mathematical ways of thinking
  • Ability to think critically and adapt knowledge to your disciplinary and cultural context, and background
  • Ability for self-critical analysis and willingness to receive and consider constructive feedback
Abschluss Accredited Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS)
Kreditpunkte 15 ECTS


Kontakt und Anmeldung

Universität Freiburg
Department of Sustainable Systems Engineering – INATECH
Solar Energy Engineering - Continuing Education
Georges-Koehler-Allee 106, 79110 Freiburg 

Khadija Khaled
Program Coordinator

Tel: +49 (0)761/203-7213