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Dealing with the Past (Uni Basel)
Learn about the design and implementation of effective and transformative dealing with the past processes
Existiert in Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung | Bildungstransfer / Laufende Angebote
Photovoltaic Power Plants CAS
Photovoltaic Power Plants is designed for students who want to gain expertise on photovoltaic power plant projects, it covers all the topics related to photovoltaic power plants ranging from project development to operation and maintenance. Students are required to design their own large PV plant of at least 30 MW, starting from technical and economic feasibility in course one, moving to the engineering, design, simulation and commissioning of the project in course two, and finally designing the monitoring system and creating the operation and maintenance plan in course three.
Existiert in Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung | Bildungstransfer / Laufende Angebote